Frequently asked Questions
How much is an appointment?
Initial consultation (including treatment)
Re-exam (over 1 year since last appointment)
Follow up / Treatment Visit
What is "body work" for babies and what should I expect?
The term “body work” has become a popular umbrella term for musculoskeletal treatment carried out by someone who specialises in paediatric management. That practitioner might be a chiropractor, physiotherapist, osteopath or craniosacral therapist. Different professions can all adequately treat babies and children provided they have the training and qualifications to do so. Pick a practitioner based on recommendation, qualifications and skill / experience.
When a consultation occurs at NGCO treatment is undertaken only after a thorough history and physical examination is completed. Expect to spend a little while discussing your concerns and answering questions about your child. Commonly, you will be asked to undress your baby to their nappy. Their reflexes and ranges of motion will be assessed as well as their muscles and joints.
Treatment consists of light techniques designed to alleviate tension and restrictions and this is discussed before and during the process.
After care advice may then be given. This might include exercises to do at home.
Weigh scales, head circumference tape and length mats are available at the practice.
What is Cranial Work?
The term “cranial” or “cranio-sacral therapy” refers to a treatment technique not a profession. Chiropractors at NGCO are experienced in using cranial techniques with our patients but we are not cranial osteopaths. Osteopathy is a separate profession of which some practice cranial osteopathy.
Cranial techniques are characterised by their gentle, light touch nature. It is thought that their application relieves tension in the central nervous system promoting a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity